Tag Archives: Raleigh

WIMS Client Spotlight Close Off Market

WIMS Client Spotlight: Close Off Market

Close Off Market, Inc. and its team have been working tirelessly to solve a major problem facing the real estate community: tighter margins caused by slowly moving deals and antiquated business practices. Close Off Market has created a unique technology platform that offers subscription-based access to off market commercial real estate deals in an efficient and user-tailored manner. The platform leverages pre-existing technology (such as e-signature, CRM, ecommerce, etc.) and then adds its own proprietary algorithm on top to bring it all together. The business is built off the hypothesis that further enabling technology to add another layer of efficiency will help streamline the entire sales cycle and will make a tremendous impact on users businesses.

If you’re in the commercial real estate industry, you know how important getting access to the best possible deals at the best possible time can be to help increase the ROI on a potential transaction. Whether you’re a developer, investor, property manager, or otherwise having access to the best information, operating an efficient business, maintaining great relationships, and making timely decisions can make or break your organization.

Close Off Market has completely systematized the process to streamline the entire cycle and present its users with off market deals that are fully customized to their specific desired criteria.

Close Off Market’s co-founders are Clifford Blanquicet, Jr. and his wife Anna Blanquicet. Clifford is an entrepreneur and CEO of Blanq Real Estate, he’s also a commercial real estate broker, investor, and property manager. This problem is something he experiences daily and is extremely familiar with. Finding a way to solve it became a passion project of his that eventually led to the spin off and creation of the new entity.

He wanted a simple, automated, yet functional platform that expedited the commercial real estate acquisition process, while also providing invaluable insight into what his clients needed and wanted in their respective businesses. After searching unsuccessfully for such a platform, he noticed a void, and a potential opportunity. This led him on the path of creating Close Off Market.

After allocating the necessary resources and assembling a team, he and the company recently finished their internal development and testing phases and have now launched the initial beta platform to the public. While there is an extensive product road map in place that will continue to be rolled out in the near future, the existing iteration of the Close Off Market platform is ready for further user testing.


Charlotte-based Close Off Market, Inc. is a real estate tech startup focused on streamlining the process of commercial real estate acquisitions. The company offers a secure, cloud-based technology platform that provides subscription-based access to off market commercial real estate deals in an efficient and user-tailored manner. For more information, please visit: https://www.closeoffmarket.com/.

Make Cannabis Legal Again SuperPAC

WIMS Client Spotlight: MCLA SuperPAC


“If we had to start from scratch and design a medicine to help lead us out of the opioid epidemic, it would likely look very much like cannabis.” — NEUROSURGEON SANJAY GUPTA, M.D.

Medical Proof
Marijuana is medicine. There is science-validated, medical proof that cannabis can be used in the treatment of Alzheimer’s, Cancer, Crohn’s disease, Epilepsy, Glaucoma, Multiple Sclerosis, muscle spasms, PTSD, pain management and more. The science is clear: cannabis delivers results to those who need it.

Based on science alone, North Carolina should have a medical marijuana program. The fact that people are suffering when they can have access to proven medicine is barbaric. We deserve better.

There are now 33 states in the U.S. that have functional medical marijuana (MMJ) programs.


Beyond Medicine
Medical Marijuana is good for the economy. A well-managed medical marijuana program greatly increases the need for not only farmers and the agricultural industry, but for white-collar professionals like accountants and lawyers, as well as skilled professionals like electricians and HVAC specialists. It also provides retail opportunities for equipment and nutrient suppliers.

Based on data provided from the current 33 medical marijuana programs, MMJ would create 25,000 jobs in North Carolina. The total value of added revenue to the N.C. economy would equal or exceed $2.5 BILLION per year.


Help Us, Help All
The science and data are clear. North Carolinians deserve the choice to use medical marijuana to help treat illnesses and benefit our economy. We need your help to make the message clear.

Until recently, politicians were able to hide in gerrymandered districts, purposefully avoiding the discussion of medical marijuana. But in 2020, we’re hopeful this will change. Help us convince our politicians to support medical marijuana.

If you’re interested in getting involved you can click here to get more information, donate, and spread the word.


*The MCLA SuperPAC is a FEC Registered Independent Expenditure-Only Committee.”